Giving Back
The Wyoming Outdoor Weekend (WOW) has been put on through a partnership between the Lander Economic Development Association and the Wyoming Game & Fish Department to showcase the Fremont County area as a premier outdoor recreation destination, promote the local economy, and inspire interest in and conservation of Wyoming’s wildlife resource.
Proceeds raised from the event allow WOW and its sponsors to make a long-lasting impact on our local community and wildlife. Each year proceeds are split between an economic development project and wildlife/habitat project. Here are some of those projects.
WOW funds have been used on the following economic development projects:
- 2023 funds will go towards future economic development projects in Lander.
- Broadband expansion in Lander.
- Reliable air service support.
- Business recruitment.
- Supporting efforts for the retention of existing businesses.
- Support an updated Sinks Canyon Driving Tour publication
WOW funds have benefitted the following wildlife and habitat projects:
- The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is using funds from WOW to host a wildlife biologist intern from Accra, Ghana in 2024. Hosting an international intern will allow us to showcase the tremendous wildlife resource Wyoming has to offer as well as demonstrate how the North American Wildlife Management Model works and what it means to the people of Wyoming.
- WOW partnered with WYDOT to purchase wildlife crossing signs to be used from Lander to Hudson and Lander to Fort Washakie. The wildlife crossing signs will help warn motorists about wildlife crossings in the spring and fall as well as other periods of increased wildlife movement in an effort to reduce wildlife.vehicle collisions in these areas
- GPS collars were purchased for bighorn sheep in the Seminoe-Ferris area to monitor movements related to habitat and potential interactions with domestic sheep.
- Variable messaging signs dedicated to Fremont County have been purchased and deployed to reduce wildlife roadway collisions.
- Man-made beaver dams on Green Mountain aimed at improving riparian areas.
- Two lifetime licenses donated to Wyoming youth have been donated to inspire kids and promote future outdoor enthusiasts.
- Purchase of additional wildlife crossing signs in conjunction with WYDOT. These will be used in the Lander to Hudson and the Lander to Ft. Washakie areas to help warn motorists about wildlife crossings with a goal of reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions and increasing motorists’ safety.