May 21-22, 2021
Save the date for Friday, May 21st and Saturday, May 22nd
If you Shoot, Fish, Hike, Camp, Bike, Climb or generally enjoy the outdoors the 2021 Wyoming Outdoor Weekend & Expo is for you! This FREE, family-friendly event is in its seventh year and celebrates our Wyoming outdoors and different ways to get outside and have fun. The event is co-hosted by the Lander Economic Development Association and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
The event is a Consumer Show/Outdoor Field Trip Weekend positioned in the shadow of the Wind River Mountains in Lander, Wyoming.
We hope to once again host pre-registered school groups on Friday from 10am-3pm (3rd-6th grades reccommended). Look for registration information in late winter or contact
See above links to get involved as an exhibitor or hit up our contact page if you’d like to be a sponsor!
We would love to list your name as a sponsor for this popular event. There are opportunities at every level. See this form or contact us today!
See you May 21-22, 2021!
at the Lander Community and Convention Center in Lander, Wyoming